Through 4-H, Family Forges Bond with Community, Each Other
Jeff and Donna Wiechman have been involved with their local 4-H Club in Jefferson County, Colorado, for nearly 40 years. Jeff Wiechman was a 4-H member as a child, and the couple’s three daughters have all participated over the years.
“So many adults gave their time to support, encourage and teach our kids, and we wanted to do the same for others,” Jeff said.
Today, the Wiechmans repay that support by donating their time and expertise to the next generation. 4-H is America’s largest youth development organization, empowering nearly 6 million young people with a consistent focus on cultivating leadership skills. Its programs allow children to perform hands-on projects in agriculture, science and citizenship, all while receiving guidance from adult mentors.
For the Wiechmans, helping to foster deep relationships — both with each other and the greater community — is the most rewarding. Their two oldest girls have both spent countless hours teaching their youngest to clip, sheer and show her animals, and have gone to new members’ homes to help them learn the same.
It was through Jefferson County’s 4-H programs that the Wiechmans were first introduced to the Les Schwab family, specifically local employees Chris Wiggins and Josh Bryant.
“Probably the most incredible part of this program is watching business people like Chris and Josh, at Les Schwab, interact with our girls and help support their 4-H and college dreams at the livestock auction,” Donna Wiechman said. “This leaves us speechless every year.”
“We believe this program helps these kids grow in responsibility, work ethic and business skills,” Jeff said. “The organization is such an example of generosity for this next generation that we believe it will be passed on for generations to come.”
Throughout the West, Les Schwab Tire Centers is a proud supporter of 4-H Club and its educational programs. For more information, or to get involved with the 4-H near you, visit the official 4-H website.
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